
Monday, April 4, 2011

10.(20-24) Hitler's Grand Plan - Nazi Science Civilization

Slim Novel 10 - - See Homepage

20.  Grand Plan
Now it comes.  I sit facing the Great Dictator and he tells plan for his world. Dark centers of eyes burn into my mind as his face, impassive with controlled energy, carries me away by its hypnotic force.
   He sketches the world strategic situation today: Europe – from Norway’s arctic angle to the Italian heel, from Soviet border to France’s coast – secure for Germany; with England’s army smashed and its air force defensive only.
   Only America is obstacle.
   Adolf turns grim. “Imperative that America not provoked! I need five years. America must remain isolationist. There is no way we can defeat America conventionally. The logistic problem – an invasion force crossing Atlantic – Impossible! And America’s industrial capacity – Awesome! If energized to fight, the Americans could turn out arms supplies at incredible rate and supply unlimited military manpower. Most perilous is Roosevelt’s getting America into war against us based on unprovoked attack. With an enraged, aroused, united populace, Roosevelt will mobilize his scientists – among whom unfortunately because of my stupidity is Albert Einstein – to develop the final weapon; yes, the Wonder Bomb which in hands willing to use it will guarantee world control.
   According to Physicist Heisenberg, given a steady source of materiel and an absence of war we are five years from developing the Wonder Bomb but the Americans, war or not, if they mobilize all-out project – as I know Einstein already suggested to Roosevelt – can do it in less time.  That is why, Matsuoka, absolutely, America must not be provoked, the isolationists must not be undermined, and Roosevelt must not succeed in mobilizing opinion!”
   Adolf is intent on his tirade and his flashing eyes tell its overarching importance. Now I know why I have been brought and am being treated to this performance. During the next few minutes, he tells his master stroke and what he wants Japan’s part in it to be.

21.  The Ploy-
- centers on attacking the USSR. Will it keep US out of war? Yes, but only if Japan gives up the plan to strike Pearl Harbor. Japan must center its strategy on invading the Soviet Far East coordinated with German attack. Caught between Junker Juggernaut in West and Japan Jaunt in East, Russia will collapse within months."
   At his "Pearl Harbor" I realize, with shock, Hitler has spies at our most secret counsels. What stupid children we are!
   He continues: “America would delight in our killing Communism and sign on to a worldwide peace settlement as soon as USSR falls,”
   Silently I agree.
   “And we shall be generous. With all of Europe and Russia in hand, we can afford to be temperate temporarily while our scientists using Russia’s vast natural resources will speed ahead in development of the Wonder Bomb coupled with the Rocket to reach and penetrate Fortress Amerika.
   Summarizing Adolph's words:. Once the Bomb and Rocket to cross the Atlantic are operational he will terrorize England into total submission by blowing most of the U.S. into the ‘middle of next week’ to use his picturesque phrase. The final war! After that Pax Atomica under Germany and Japan. (Adolf’s ignoring of Italy shows he considers Il Duce more puppet than ally) Northwest America after the bomb would be colonized to the Rockies by Germans while Japan would take the west coast. The American "Deep South" is to be a semi-independent regime run by its Negroes who Adolf surprisingly favors. (So much so, that Deep South USA would be spared the German atomic blitzkrieg) Latin America would remain as fascist regimes to supply coolie-type labor and a market for cheap goods. Japan would be supreme in Asia and Australia; Germany in Europe and Africa. “Lebensraum enough,” adds Hitler with a sardonic smile.

22.  Nazi Science-Civilization
(Hitler continues in Matsuoka’s words as scribbled by Kimi)
First, rocket travel, which my chief rocket man Werner von Braun is developing.
   Germany is 20 years ahead of U.S. thanks to American cheapness, shortsightedness and Babbittry at not funding Goddard’s seminal work, forcing him into near poverty and now tuberculosis that has all but put him in a grave. The Rocket will be vehicle for blowing U.S. into ‘next Wednesday’ and von Braun’s team now has, nearing production, a rocket to hit Chicago and New York from Greenland and will soon have one capable of hitting home from a launch pad in Germany.  
   After we win the war it will be the main means of travel between continents. Can you imagine – 1 hour from Berlin to NYC; see a Broadway show (new Nazi Broadway) and back on Unter den Linden by midnight? More important will be space exploration with initial plan of colonizing Moon with bubble-top colony and then on to Mars where – my planet scientists say they could release oxygen to make the air breathable.
   Eugenics & better medical treatment and preventive medicine practices will reduce and delay disease and infirmity. My longevity experts say a 120-year disease-free functional lifespan is achievable. And my psychometric psychologists are certain that by eugenic selection and behavioral teaching plus artificial intelligence assist and brain stimulant drugs the average IQ could be upped to 130 which is slightly brilliant.
(Here Matsuoka says he interrupted saying a 120-year lifespan and eradication of present-day diseases would bring rapid increase population. Then, compared to today when a newborn can expect to live 60 years, in a future where each newborn will live 120 years, a birth will count like 2 today since the newborn will inhabit Earth 2 times as long)
(Hitler enjoys this kind of give & take and he replies) Yes, it is question being considered by my demographers. With Germany’s monopoly of the Bomb, a program of population final solution on worldwide basis could be easily combined with the Final War so I am making my little list. My scientists tell me it will be the perfect cremation and if we arrange our isotopes right the land will be free of radioactivity and ready for re-colonization 10 years after our big bang. For one, the whole population of America, except Deep South where the Negroes will rule, could be taken out - to use the American's phrase - in 1 day: One hundred million social parasites in one swoop. It makes ultimate sense because, if too many Americans live, there would be revanche. That is the problem with war, unless one eradicates the defeated, as Rome did Carthage, there will be more puny wars." (Hitler laughs at his double meaning) "Then the problematic population of India! To leave them alive will result in huge problem. I am not worried about them as opponents in war because they are too backward but the Hindoos could be too passively resistant to be anything but bother and trouble and waste of effort. These populations need to be cleared away; if allowed to continue they will be a huge burden to control, feed, clothe and give minimal other amenities. So I shall undo Jew God's work by ending in one flash what it took him 7 days to begin. (Adolf chuckles) And no Abraham shall Jew me down by appeal to pity. I’ll make my own Sodom and Gomorrah.
   "But the German-speaking blacks of our former East African colonies shall be part of our Reich’s future. I have important place in my plan for Black Aryans. (Hitler chuckles over his joke that shows his cynicism about the use of racial terms)
  (Adolf’s view of China) "The Chinese are intelligent and good workers. You Matsuoka will be prime minister then and provide Japanese leadership for the Mongoloid masses under Hakkou Ichi-u, I am sure. (He uses “One world under 8-corner Japanese umbrella”)
  (Finishing he tells about the redesign of cities and living spaces on a giant scale. His young architect Speer has a most fascinating plan)

Finally finished, Adolf Hitler fixes me with his fierce dark eyes and says “It can all succeed, Matsuoka. But only if Japan gives up the idiot plan to provoke America into war now and, instead, strikes north and west into Russia in a coordinated attack with us. I am counting on you Matsuoka. You are futurist. You will do it. You will do it. You will do it.” (His 3x repetition is hypnotic)

23.  How About You?
Later, headed east, mind still glowing from encountering the Great Dictator and listening to him detail the future – His future – And will it be our future?
   Readers must be washing their hands of me – like Pilate of his responsibility. After all, does not Hitler’s plan include the most massive genocide ever? Going to blow billions into Next Wednesday?
   I am at core a bourgeois raised in the idea that killing is murder! So despite surface admiration, deep inside I am shocked. Hitler noticed at once; he sees everything. He has tried his Utopianism out before and gotten the bourgeois horror reaction. Now in my mind, Hitler’s answers it.

(Hitler’s harangue)  Matsuoka, I see in your eyes you are horrified. Populations wiped out with flip of switch, nations eradicated by press of button. Cultures destroyed! But you are thinking purely from selfish standpoint of the West. Look what has happened to Earth since the Industrial Revolution. And what will happen if Amerika Democrazy wins! And mark me! Amerika is our adversary even if we are not yet at war. If Amerika wins, it will be Earth Amerika! And think what 50 more years of that hyper-consuming democrazy vulgarian libertarian society is going to mean for Gaea, for we high IQ humans and for the speechless animals. See the world population graph prepared by my demographers.
We are looking at a tripling of human mass in seventy years. And it is only three times because 1930 was still a point of transition of the acceleration of population growth from flat slope at AD 1 to straight line up since 1930. In a future Pax Amerika run by the democrazy libertarians who think it their god-gave the right and duty to fill the world up with wall-to-wall people piled on each other, crowded like the anecdotal dwellers in Hell up to each one's lower lip in vomit, chanting ‘Do-on’t make waves’, in a future where technology will give conditions to allow for yet another tripling before the mass will overcome the growth. In that sort of future, my demographers assure me it is expected that 2050 should see 10-billion humans.
   And you have to multiply each twenty-first century human by two or maybe more before he will equal today’s everyman because by year 2000 they will all have a standard of life that dictates more intense consumption, like a two-or-more-car-filled garage family.
   Can you imagine what that will mean for intelligent life on Earth; for the other life forms; for nature; for even inanimate forms of existence like rocks and air and water?
   With no Eugenics program, no method of properly educating these huge masses, and too greedy to put aside resources to accomplish important goals, what we are going to get is not a generation of dunces, not a world of nincompoops, not a society of the super-stupid; no, it will be worse, much worse! Remember: Amerika stands for Democrazy!  One man, one woman, one vote no matter how unintelligent, how wrong-headed, mis-educated and personally hateful the voter is! So, in the name of Democrazy they are going to vote in favor of human world piggery: Every person living in his or her super-affluent garbage can. No idea of Human Destiny in the stars! No space exploration! No pure science! No protect the Earth and its other animates and inanimates! Only a technology of shortsighted what’s-in-it-for-me-ism, an ugly world that even in a midst of plenty is going to spawn unimaginably awful diseases because libertarianism is going to cater to and legitimize the worst perversions humans are capable of.
   What I propose is: take advantage of the never-again chance I create. My hypnotic power of persuasion has been able to weld the most scientific nation into a unit for my will and now we shall wield it to destroy the social parasites. With von Braun and Heisenberg to make Rocket and Bomb that can blow Amerika away we are at the unique, never-again moment. But we need five years of peace now to achieve it. And Japan must not - I repeat - must not provoke Amerika by the Pearl Harbor attack!
   And as for moral gasping and posturing of horror, it is nonsense. Every group of people in struggle for existence has wished to eradicate opponent and logic favors it. What they have lacked is a means to do it cleanly and completely.
   Americans should be the last to complain about genocide. It is their raison d’être as the native American-Indian graveyards show. And they succeeded even with primitive genocide technology! In the present case we will not even have to leave one survivor’s traces.
   Consider a victorious German world in year 2000. Half billion population of eugenically superior Europeans, Japanese and Chinese, German-speaking Black Africans and colored-volk Deep American South who all eventually will be eugenically interbred to give potpourri of even more superior hybrid vigor. No colonial problem because we will have eradicated troublesome colonial populations. Large areas we shall leave unpopulated as virtual victory gardens of Eden. (Matsuoka's thought interrupts here: Having read Hitler's "Mein Kampf" I am aware that he neglects to say here - Perhaps because saying it to me a Japanese - that above all and in control will be the most racially superior German Aryan)
   Our half billion world population will be the happiest humans because they will feel part of a determined destiny finding answers to basic questions of existence, delving into the ultimate structure of matter and its relations to energy and wave motion, investigating and colonizing Cosmos starting with Luna then onto Mars and changing Venus to make it livable. And out to the Jupiterian and Saturnian moons, which we shall make ecological dream worlds.
   Also we shall promote beauty and Kultur, we shall research aesthetics, preserve the great art of the past, and move to avant-garde art of the future.
   Eugenics will give a long-lived population who – after we robotize production and labor – will have leisure and space for beautiful, creative, useful lives to produce objets d’art….
   In my mind Hitler's voice fades and I sit alone now, I Yosuke Matsuoka on train heading east! Thinking about it, I was convinced.  A clean eradication and a grand future! But I have excuse. I am crazy! How about you?

24. And You?
Matsuoka speaks off the cuff: “I address the argument that says I am accepting unquestioningly a means to an end that includes murder of billions. This civilization’s oft-stated rule is that a good end cannot be achieved by bad means, that is, everyone must play according to rule. My reply is that rules are made by the victor to assure continuance of his victory and rules may be broken by the next victor.
   “In 1941 two choices: Victory for Germany or victory for America? Victory for America means uncontrolled growth of human numbers upward on straight line while Germany’s win will mean stable, controlled world population. Add to that, a choice between a united science world Science Civilization versus the libertarian democrazy consumer society of an American world with each individual in year 2000 feeling they have a right to a sybaritic affluence, and saying to hell with other humans, animals, plants and the inanimate environment. A German victory will mean Science Civilization by year 2000 colonizing Moon and Mars and probing out into Solar System while America’s winning will continue the consumer-crazed civilization that will not take one cent or one yen of money away from each citizen's pleasure rights. 
    "So, assume now you were convinced that Germany could get 5-years breathing space to develop the Bomb and the Rocket so as to have sole possession of these wonder weapons and delivery systems for the stage to be set for a single coordinated intercontinental ballistic strike that will eradicate most of North America’s white population and allow for immediate push-button victorious conclusion of the war, and further assume the success depends on your acting one way. Let us suppose you are a science person, one who believes in civilization run according to The Scientific Method and are working toward a Science Civilization goal you will never see and you know a clock is ticking in favor of America triumphant if you do nothing. And finally assume you have no vested interests in or sentimental attachments to America
   "Then what shall You choose in your secret heart far from the madding crowd of criticism derived from the received opinion of your society’s programming? Shall it be an American future we have now with massively overpopulated world and all that goes with it? Or German victory – a New Dawn devoid of the Americrazies?"

Matsuoka had no doubt of his choice. How about you? It all hinges on the future of America triumphant: Six billion humans by year 2000, 10 billion by 2050 and 15 billion by 2100. A Futurist might have been convinced by Hitler’s projection but not by Hitler. He was too opportunistic and unstable. Still, he was the Leader of the moment seated atop the juggernaut that would have saved the Earth from America and the only way for an intelligent scientific person to have gone, in one humble opinion, was with the Nazis and hope that more rational Nazis like Albert Speer would have replaced Hitler. For those of us Futurists now in 2016 looking back to 1940, America’s victory has turned into a worst-dream scenario come true for us who are working in favor of the Earth, for the other intelligent humans, for the other animals and all the plants and even the inanimate things like mountains and oceans. For we Futurists our human destiny is in the stars not in selling more cars. As a Futurist then I would not have wished a world of a turkey per family each Thanksgiving and hamburger stands around the planet. And if it would have meant murdering America I would have said Yes-Yes instead of No-No.
   How about you?
   To read on, click 10.(25-26) Moscow Next - And Joe Stalin

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