Slim Novel 2 - - See Homepage
40. “Drive!” (s)he Says
40. “Drive!” (s)he Says
Ali and Kimura each take turns until the end of Route Sixty-Six. Kimura suggests sleep in motel but Ali is tired of motels. "Drive!” she says, and, away they speed east through the States of Illinois and Indiana which Ali calls Flatland USA and where gas is 12 cents a gallon and the car gets 25 miles on it at 60 miles per hour in light-load driving.
Leaving behind a Welcome to Ohio ’ road sign, Ali has an attack of singing. Bright-eyed, she leans forward over the backrest of the front seat on Kimura’s right and sings Why, oh why, oh why oh? Why don’t we never leave Ohio ? They pass briefly through the State of West Virginia ’s northwest tip at Wheeling between the States of Ohio and Pennsylvania bypassing Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . Ali is now driving and Kimura comments: “I like Ohio , Ali-san. Small towns, main streets, lots of jitterbugging kids.”
Ali quips: “And Babbitts too. I’ll take New York City any day over those hicks in sticks with no kicks.”
“There you go again, Ali-san. There must be medicine for it?”
“Yes, Hon yes. It's called MS, MorphineS.”
Across Pennsylvania and up the New Jersey turnpike they go. On the pike Kimura mimics Ali’s rhyming: “Speaking of filthy stinky sty, this State of New Jersey takes the pie.”
“Kim Bo, leave the rhymin’ to Li’lle Miss No-More Hymen.”
Half hour later they cross George Washington Bridge. "NYCee, here we be!" shouts Ali.
"Drive!" he says.
To read next, click 2.(41-44) Carousin' at the Carlyle
"Drive!" he says.
To read next, click 2.(41-44) Carousin' at the Carlyle
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