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Section has Chapter 1. You may scroll down to it after the explanatory below.
Educating Kimi
Slim Novel 3
Slim Books Tokyo
Other Slim Novels
#1 Kimi, #2 Ali & Kimura – World’s Fair 1939,
#4 Olga & Boris – Honeymoon in Siberia, #5 Tokyo 1941 – New Decade,
#6 Midway, #7 Tokyo at War – 1942/43,
#8 Guadalcanal, #9 Kimi Heads North,
#10 Losing War – Tojo Resigns, #11 New Future, #12 On the Ground Running,
#13 Winnipeg & Bronx, #14 Eddie & Friends, #15 Eddie in Medical School, #16 Utopian Life and Eddie in Occupied Japan, #17 Wisdom of a Very Old Man
#13 Winnipeg & Bronx, #14 Eddie & Friends, #15 Eddie in Medical School, #16 Utopian Life and Eddie in Occupied Japan, #17 Wisdom of a Very Old Man
Cover: Human eye at center of a spiral galaxy like the galaxy containing our sun, Sol. Our Solar System can be imagined as a microdot out near the edge, revolving with all the billions of other stars around the eye in the orientation of the photo on a c.250-thousand Earth year revolution for its galactic year. From the original cover of Intelligent Life in the Universe, the seminal book on the subject by I.S. Shklovskii with annotations and new material by Carl Sagan, published in 1966 and still the best book on the possibilities of other intelligent life referred to in Chapters 15 to 19 here.
Summary of the Slim Novels 1 & 2
Kimi is born on Japan 's North Island, a fisherman's daughter. She is sent for training as entertainer of men and becomes i-an-fu comfort woman, an Imperial Army sexual provider, in the puppet state of Manchukuo . She moonlights as escort and is taken to Club Rossia, the best nightclub, run by White Russian émigré Ivan Vronsky. His daughter Olga, whom Vronsky fathered in Japan with a Japanese, is the club's chanteuse. She and Kimi become friends.
Vronsky is forced to leave Mukden City and Manchukuo and goes to Tokyo with Olga and starts Club Balaleika. Kimi follows and gets to know the rising star newsman Kimura and a young communist woman Harumi. And one Sunday on an outing in Tokyo , she meets the American brother and sister, Tommy and Ali, and falls in love with Tommy.
Slim Novel 2 is a diversion, of Kimura and Ali's trip to the 1939 NYC World's Fair with a tour of USA. In Slim Novel 3, the story now returns to Tokyo 1939.
Slim Novel 2 is a diversion, of Kimura and Ali's trip to the 1939 NYC World's Fair with a tour of USA. In Slim Novel 3, the story now returns to Tokyo 1939.
1: The Lorelei-
is a basement café modeled on German basement cafes called Rathskellar. At 9 PM, Kimi is stepping down a narrow spiral staircase and entering the dimly lit place crowded with guests sitting at circular glass-top tables. Through a cigarette smoke haze filled with the babbles and vibes of talk and the smells of eating, drinking and smoking move waitresses whose oriental features contrast with their German mädchen uniforms. They hurry back & forth between closely packed tables, balancing trays loaded with foam-topped beers. At far end, a small bandstand on stage is empty, but a piano, a big 4-string bass, and drums suggest a show soon. Between bandstand and tables is a dance floor hung with baubles, bangles and beads, and making a convenient excuse for the crowded couples to rub together to the beat of utterly romantic music.
“Hey! Over here!” Looking toward the shout, Kimi spots Tommy sitting at stage-side table waving. As she reaches him, he jumps up and clasps her hands in his. “At last! Thank Satan for your girlfriend! If she hadn’t answered Graham Bell when I called, I’d be another Tokyo love suicide.”
“What Graham Bell?” Tommy’s strange words!
“Mr. Telephone, dontchyaknow?” He laughs, snapping fingers. A waitress appears with two glasses foamy beer. “To us!” He clinks his on her glass and they drink.
The icy sour bitter makes stars dance before her eyes. She wonders Is it real? Am I here with him?
The Jazz Trio comes on to bandstand and begins a music set, and Kimi finds herself in Tommy’s arms to the romantic song, I Can’t Get Started with You. At first he holds her formally but by next number, A Foggy Day in London Town, his arms are about her waist and her head on his left shoulder. She is completely content. Then a change of pace occurs with A Fine Romance. Afterward they return to table and work on second beers.
The Jazz Trio comes on to bandstand and begins a music set, and Kimi finds herself in Tommy’s arms to the romantic song, I Can’t Get Started with You. At first he holds her formally but by next number, A Foggy Day in London Town, his arms are about her waist and her head on his left shoulder. She is completely content. Then a change of pace occurs with A Fine Romance. Afterward they return to table and work on second beers.
Lights fade; anticipatory murmurs arise from tables! Someone has come on stage – a spotlight reveals Olga, flame-red sheer silk gown off slim shoulders, along horizontal of collar bones. Her white neck and face are framed by an inverted-triangle Cleopatra-style jet black hair and its lower lines. A waitress hands up a bouquet of white lilies and Olga clasps the blooms to her as she bows to opening ovation.
“The lady certainly has admirers,” observes Tommy
“My friend Olga,” says Kimi proudly.
“My friend Olga,” says Kimi proudly.
Olga starts Bei Mir Bist Du Schön in German. When she finishes, a corner of the room erupts in cheers.
“I see the local Nazis are on hand tonight,” comments Tommy.
“I see the local Nazis are on hand tonight,” comments Tommy.
“What Nazis?” Kimi asks.
“Tell you later, doll.” The music changes. “This song is about us.” Olga has just begun Our Love is Here to Stay in English. Tommy translates the words rapidly, moving his chair closer. They hold hands during the song.
Olga ends with Blues in the Night in Japanese to “More!” “Encore!” “Bis!” Still clutching the white lilies, she bows and announces “Thank you ladies and gentlemen. The trio and I will take a break.” She comes straight to Kimi. After being introduced to Tommy, she turns to Kimi. “Daddy’s leaving!”
“Tell you later, doll.” The music changes. “This song is about us.” Olga has just begun Our Love is Here to Stay in English. Tommy translates the words rapidly, moving his chair closer. They hold hands during the song.
Olga ends with Blues in the Night in Japanese to “More!” “Encore!” “Bis!” Still clutching the white lilies, she bows and announces “Thank you ladies and gentlemen. The trio and I will take a break.” She comes straight to Kimi. After being introduced to Tommy, she turns to Kimi. “Daddy’s leaving!”
“He thinks war will be on, soon, with bombs and everything.”
“He thinks war will be on, soon, with bombs and everything.”
“He’s right” interjects Tommy.
“I tried talking Daddy out of it but he’s made his mind and no one can change him.” She pulls a strange cigarette out of her gold case and leans over to catch the flame from Tommy’s lighter. “Naturally I told Daddy I won’t leave, no matter what. Look at me! Except these peepers,” – she points at her eyes, “Why, jeepers creepers, where’d I get those eyes? – who could mistake me for anything but a Yamato Nadeshiko?” (Japanese beauty) “Am I right or am I right, darlings?”
“Olga,” says Kimi reprovingly. “You high. You smoke reefer again?”
“If you are, howzabout sharing?” asks Tommy.
“If you are, howzabout sharing?” asks Tommy.
Olga laughs. “As the young housemaid said to the old gent when she made his bed and got in it with him: ‘It’s yours for the taking.’ ” Suddenly she shoves the gold case into her purse and stubs out her cigarette. Oop! It’s my lovely Bo! He’ll kill me if he finds me smoking.” She stands and runs into the arms of the powerfully built man . Next she is introducing him as Boris, obviously a Russian.
Boris is handsome in a Russian way, thinks Kimi: Black hair combed straight back; big bushy eyebrows, towering big-boned, well-padded solid body in pin-stripe double-breast diplomat suit.
Olga has gone gaga, Kimi guesses.That's her real reason for not going toAmerica .
Boris and Tommy get on well and soon are discussing politics. Both are anti-Nazi and think it only a matter of time beforeRussia and America get together and throw hot water in der Fuhrer’s face. Olga, who has downed a martini while they talk, butts in at the word ‘Nazi’.
“Why, darlings, don’t you know, there are two of them at the next table where my flowers come from? They’re my biggest admirers and why I sing in German once each set.”
Boris gives Olga the hardest, coldest look Kimi has ever seen one person give another. “Olenka, what shall I do with you?” Do you not know they want to make us slaves, like the Negroes inAmerica ? Their propaganda man, Goebbels, says it, every speech.”
“Boris, darling, I’m not political! Nobody tells me what to do, even a dear darling hunk like you. But I am a trouble-maker.”
She gets up and returns to the bandstand where the Trio is tuning up for a second set. The lights dim and a single spot illumines her head and shoulders. She bows and takes the mike. “Ladies and gentlemen. Liebe Herrn und Frauen und Frauleinen. Gospodin Y Gospoda. Tovarischi. Tonight, diplomats from two great European countries honor us here. In front to my right the gentlemen from the Third Reich to whom I dedicate my first number. And to left the representative of theSoviet Socialist Republics .” She turns to the Trio. “Boys! Gimmee some skin! Number 21!”
They launch into an arrangement that Olga sings with verve. It starts:“Ven der Fuhrer sez vee ist der master race, vee pfft, pfft right in der Fuhrer’s face” and goes on in that vein, getting more and more outrageous.
(Ed: To see & hear der Fuehrer's Face, click the following YouTube Spike Jones - Der Fuehrer's Face - YouTube: And don't forget, when it is finished, to click the reverse arrow, usually in left upper corner of your screen, to return to the chapter reading)
It takes the Germans a minute to catch on; then the commotion commences. One beer-bellied fellow tries to disconnect Olga’s mike but is slammed into the wall by a terrific shove from Boris. Another German goes for Boris from behind but before he can do harm Tommy tackles him. A big blonde sitting with the Nazis lifts her beer mug and is about to crash it on Tommy’s head when Kimi grabs her by the hair from behind and with sharp yank topples her backwards. She gets up and goes at Kimi then the two are rolling over and over smacking each other in the face beside their battling boyfriends. Above it all, Olga launches into a communist theme song, The Internationale.
Boris is handsome in a Russian way, thinks Kimi: Black hair combed straight back; big bushy eyebrows, towering big-boned, well-padded solid body in pin-stripe double-breast diplomat suit.
Olga has gone gaga, Kimi guesses.That's her real reason for not going to
Boris and Tommy get on well and soon are discussing politics. Both are anti-Nazi and think it only a matter of time before
“Why, darlings, don’t you know, there are two of them at the next table where my flowers come from? They’re my biggest admirers and why I sing in German once each set.”
Boris gives Olga the hardest, coldest look Kimi has ever seen one person give another. “Olenka, what shall I do with you?” Do you not know they want to make us slaves, like the Negroes in
“Boris, darling, I’m not political! Nobody tells me what to do, even a dear darling hunk like you. But I am a trouble-maker.”
She gets up and returns to the bandstand where the Trio is tuning up for a second set. The lights dim and a single spot illumines her head and shoulders. She bows and takes the mike. “Ladies and gentlemen. Liebe Herrn und Frauen und Frauleinen. Gospodin Y Gospoda. Tovarischi. Tonight, diplomats from two great European countries honor us here. In front to my right the gentlemen from the Third Reich to whom I dedicate my first number. And to left the representative of the
They launch into an arrangement that Olga sings with verve. It starts:“Ven der Fuhrer sez vee ist der master race, vee pfft, pfft right in der Fuhrer’s face” and goes on in that vein, getting more and more outrageous.
(Ed: To see & hear der Fuehrer's Face, click the following YouTube Spike Jones - Der Fuehrer's Face - YouTube: And don't forget, when it is finished, to click the reverse arrow, usually in left upper corner of your screen, to return to the chapter reading)
It takes the Germans a minute to catch on; then the commotion commences. One beer-bellied fellow tries to disconnect Olga’s mike but is slammed into the wall by a terrific shove from Boris. Another German goes for Boris from behind but before he can do harm Tommy tackles him. A big blonde sitting with the Nazis lifts her beer mug and is about to crash it on Tommy’s head when Kimi grabs her by the hair from behind and with sharp yank topples her backwards. She gets up and goes at Kimi then the two are rolling over and over smacking each other in the face beside their battling boyfriends. Above it all, Olga launches into a communist theme song, The Internationale.
Things get curiouser and curiouser and later that night the kisses are furiouser and furiouser.
To Continue, now, click 3.(2-3) Tommy & Kimi/Urge to Merge
To Continue, now, click 3.(2-3) Tommy & Kimi/Urge to Merge
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