Slim Novel 2 - - See Homepage
“Pinch me Kim, ah can’t b'lieve this! Honolulu! It gotta be a beautiful dream!” says Ali as she steps ashore from the launch.
They learn there will be a 24-hour stopover due to overhaul, so PANAM is treating the passengers to Moana Hotel and rented car. They take Kona coffee in dining room after egg & bacon American breakfast, with passion fruit juice and papaya salad. Ali looks up from cup. “Kim! Am I wrong or am I wrong? An’t that approaching vision of cheesecake our Stewardess Glo?”
Kimura adjusts his eyeglasses but before he can focus Glo is at table.
“Hi guy! Hello gal! Will you take another pal? Outa sight, mite, as the Aussies sigh.” She switches to “AyMay I-Ay oinJay ouYay?" adding “Dig my pig!” (Pig Latin is spoken by taking the first letter sound from a word and putting it at end of word with “ay” appended)
Ali as Kimura’s femme companion, who should be expected to cold-shoulder the show-offy Glo, stands and gives her a quick but sincere hug and offers her a chair. Glo is movie star lovely – light brown hair and big eyes, with sexy lips that do not need build up, and an ‘Oh my goodness!’ figure. But her underlying features seem to Kimura to indicate a finely tuned mind. And as they soon discover, despite the jivey lingo, Glo – typical of high IQ – is capable of scientifically precise speech when she wishes. She is university educated with doctorate in linguistics who is air-hostessing because she is too sexy-looking for the wives of male college academics to allow their husbands to hire. She has on an off-shoulder, sleeveless sea-blue formfitting dress that just makes it to below knee when she is standing. But when she sits – Ooh la la! Her bust outline is unquestionably flesh – so says cleavage. It is not large but high jutting and, from nipple outline, bra-less, In keeping with the climate, Glo’s leg wear is a pair of light lavender low platforms that can be kicked off for a lay in hay. At least this is Kimura’s wishful take.
Glo offers to be girl guide, Kimura calls for car.
Later, they are driving along Beach Road. Glo sits in front beside Ali, and Kimura is in back focusing on Glo’s profile. Right shoulder against the door and head turned left toward Ali and Kimura, Glo says “Allow me to show you Toilet Bowl.”
“Toilet bowl?” Ali’s curiosity shows on her face.
“It’s not what you think. Wait and see. Slow down and turn off the road onto the sand at next beach approach.”
To read next chapter, click 2.21 Being Alive
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