4: Mama’s Place
While Grandma watches baby brother, Kimi helps Father. She is up at 4 AM cooking breakfast and preparing the lunchbox and down at the dock by 5 and, shortly after, sits beside him as he guides the boat out of harbor. By 6 she is busy putting down the baited cages into the ocean, pulling up trapped king-crabs and dropping them into storage. By 2 PM the boat is back in port and Kimi is studying at the local school.
At home she does everything her mother did: cleans, cooks, and at night lays the futon mat for sleep.
One night when she is 12, Kimi learns more about the strange union she had observed between father and mother. She is sleeping, facing away from Father and cradling Baby Brother on her arm. In half-awake state she becomes aware of something hard banging into her rear. She shifts away but the banging continues. Now fully awake, she realizes it is part of Father. She lies still, then feels spurts of warm wetness. No word is spoken. Father wipes the wetness away with a towel.
There is no pain because she is not penetrated. From then, father bangs into Kimi each night.
Another night, a sharp pain makes Kimi gasp. Father’s hands grab her against him and after a “pop!” and a tearing inside, Kimi experiences penetration and then a wet warmth of fluid spurts into her. She gets an uncontrollable, pleasure-full grasping muscle-twitch on Father's hard part, her heartbeats race and knock against her chest, and she feels inner physical ecstasy, wonder and then contentment.
Now, I have obeyed Grandma: I have taken Mama's place, she thinks.
Life goes on, but this event has swerved the direction of her life and started her on a lifetime adventure.
For next, click 1.(5-6) Semi Geisha Training
For next, click 1.(5-6) Semi Geisha Training
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