Slim Novel 12 - - See Homepage
54. Eddie Plays Hooky
54. Eddie Plays Hooky
A little after 9 AM, Ali relaxing on sofa, her bell rings and Eddie comes through the French door into the living room with school books, and drops onto the rocking chair facing Ali.
“What's up, kid? Why an't you in school?”
“I'm playing hooky.”
“Hooky? I wasn't raised here, kid. I dunno the local lingo. What in my atheist goddess' name is hooky?”
“Gee, Ali, I know something you donno. It means skip school for the day.”
“Oh, I approve a that. So what shall we do?”
“I usually go fishin’with PeWee but I thought being with you might be more fun.”
Ali notes to herself that after she handled his private part and gave him his first sexual experience, Eddie's been dogging her.
“OK, wait here? I wanna change.”
Ali notes to herself that after she handled his private part and gave him his first sexual experience, Eddie's been dogging her.
“OK, wait here? I wanna change.”
“Can I come too, Ali?”
“Listen, kid, you better learn right here that girls don't like to be rushed. Just ‘cause I did something you like is no reason to get fresh.” She goes to the bathroom and puts on her new green dress and old sneakers.
They walk to the
“Thanks, Ali.”
“Good you got your manners back. More a that and you get a diamond; less and you get a mess.”
“Why you always rhyming?”
“To help you remember.”
After a long wait the subway train closes doors and moves south towards
“We get out here kid,” Ali says at 125th. "Unlike Duke Ellington, we take the D to
“How come, Ali?" Eddie knows who the Duke is but not his recordings.
“'Cause we are not colored folk.”
“Oh!” Eddie does not like to speak about race. He has been raised in a home where race is not usually discussed. Only the Jews his family's people versus Goyim, or in New York English the Goys, who are the dumb Christians, the adjective almost always attached.
“We'll go to the Planetarium and watch Sky Show. We gotta change here to the C local train.”
Fifteen minutes later they are walking from the Manhattan
It is one big circle set of seats and the ceiling overhead is a 360-degree black screen space, the effect from four synchronized projectors at 90-degrees on the outer rim of the circle. During the show, in the seats, it is blackest night except when the overhead stars get projected. They sit in the rearmost aisle together, he on her right. The seats are adjustable with head rests so they can relax heads facing upwards and watch the sky show.
Having learned much about boys, Ali expects he will try to feel her up, starting at her right bare knee and working up the inner thigh. But he does not and she starts to worry, What's wrong with me? Why doesn't he touch me?
The Sky Show is about Universe. It shows Creation by the Big Bang while a male voice, sounding very astronomer-like, relates details.
"Some fourteen-billion years ago a primordial atom exploded and the explosion still goes on. .... ."
The show takes 45 minutes and ends with the questions - "What is man's fate in the Universe? Will the Big Bang go on and on until entropy is maximized and all matter is one uniform bowl of very dilute soup?"
The lights go on.
Ali notes Eddie, his head back, gaze up, and mouth a little open like a country hick brought to the city. She muses, A most educational hooky, this.
"Can we stay and watch again, Ali?"
"Sure, Kid. Maybe you got questions? I'm pretty good at astronomy."
"Ali, a billion years? It's like nothing I can imagine."
"On a tens order of magnitude, Kid, it's ten to the ninth power."
"Gee my life's less than a blink of the eye."
"Much less. We humans on the scale of universe time are like tiny ants living microsecond instants."
"I agree, Kid. Gee!"
"Explain the Big Bang to me, Ali."
"It's all based on an astronomer's finding, Kid. See, when they got the latest telescope on Mt. Palomar and focused out on the far edges of Universe, as the focus moved outward toward the edges, things that had been red color, shifted to blue color. Now, to get the significance of this red shift you got to know that light is transmitted as waves, you know, the blips that go up and down." Ali takes out of her handbag a set of crayons and sketch paper she always has with her and illustrates

The length between each successive wave-top is called the wavelength. And as far back as the great scientist, Isaac Newton, it was found that so called white light is actually a mix of 7 basic wave-length colors - students use Roy G. Biv for remembering Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. The color with the longest wavelength is red and, as you can see from my sketch, the color of the Biv, which are the blue shades of color, are shorter that the red. Now, if you think of the light wave connecting the person's head and the star in the sketch, you may understand that an object that seemed blue when nearby the person, would shift towards the red as it got flung rapidly away from the person. It is like the string is stretching and unbunching the wavelengths."
"Yeah! Yeah! I see that, Ali."
"Good. It's just a quick analogy, the actuality is more complex; but still it gives the idea. Now, with this in mind you may imagine that the head in the illustration is the astronomer on Mt. Palomar gazing out at the Universe through his gigantically magnifying telescope. When he looks at objects near the Earth, the blue tends to dominate, but when he focuses on the furthest out, outer edge of the Universe, what was blue shifts towards the red. For the astronomer this has only 1 meaning."
"What? What, Ali!" Eddie is visibly excited.
"That the Universe must be expanding and that the expansion speeds up the nearer one comes to the outer edges of the universe. So the expansion must be coming from some place closer to the Earth than to the outer edges of the Universe. It can only mean that what we see as Universe is part of a terrific explosion that is in the process of continuing. And since we know the speed of light, and can estimate the distances from Earth to the outer edges of the Universe we can calculate that the light that has shifted to red at the edges started almost 14-billion years ago as an explosion of a tremendously compact body the size of our atoms and containing all the stuff of the Universe.
"Wow! Wow! Wow!"
"Yeah, kid, I agree; triple Wows."
Eddie thinks for a minute. Then. "But, Ali, ain't there another possibility?"
"What other possibility, Kid?"
"Well, couldn't you see the same effect, if the center of the universe, at least the area where we are observing on Earth, is contracting in the same way as your theory says the outer Universe is expanding. Then wouldn't the red shift be seen because the contracting center of the Universe is pulling out the light waves from the stationary outer edges of the Universe."
Ali thinks for a moment. Her facial expression changes from puzzlement to understanding. Then she smiles and reaches out her right hand and pats Eddie on his head.
"Kid, that is creatively brilliant! Neither myself nor anyone else I know, even these great astronomers and Mr Einstein himself ever suggested what you just suggested!"
They are interrupted by the show's starting again.
After re-watching, Ali decides she would like to spend the rest of the hooky alone with Eddie. She is feeling a little unusual deep within. So they retrace their path homeward to the Bronx.
55. Ali Goes Round and Round, Down and Down
An unusually silent Ali rides the train back to Bronx with the usual non talking Eddie, much moved by the Universe sky show.
She is thinking Why do I feel it with Eddie now? Suddenly, answer: It's the 13th day from the start of my menstruation! And yesterday and today she got what she calls that slimy feeling between thighs that tells her an egg is about to pop. It is a time she tends to feel lust and is most vulnerable.
Stupid! she thinks. This is just a kid! She views him out of a corner of her eye. But he has grown since I first saw him at Ben's pet shop. Part of her tutoring has been masturbating him - its purpose to get him into doing it on himself to prepare for heterosexual life and also develop his ejaculations, which at his age need practice to increase volume.
Now they are at the door of 1A and she turns key clockwise and they go in.
"You must be hungry kid. It's almost one. Howzabout I make spaghetti with your favorite sauce - Campbell's Tomata?"
He nods Yes, throws off jacket and follows Ali into kitchen. She takes a Campbell's down from cupboard, grabs a sharp blade can opener, and tries to puncture the can's top but the opener slips off the top of the tin and stabs her left index finger. "Ooch! Eddie, run to the bathroom and get a band aid quick!"
He comes back with the band aid as she rinses the cut in running water. Bright red blood wells up and she wipes it away. "Eddie! Put it on tight."
He wraps it about the cut but the red blood still stains through.
Both of them seem hypnotized by the bright red blood. He grabs her hand for a moment. They both gaze down on it. No words. He still holds onto her hand but now it is a pull - he is dragging her towards the living room.
"Eddie, please stop. Let's be civilized. I am just teaching you about that. Stop Eddie! I don't want to!"
She is not sure because it is low pitched but it seems Eddie is growling like a dog protecting a bone. He drags her harder. He is stronger than she can believe. He flings her down on the settee and she falls back face and body up, her dress in disarray, strangely helpless as the boy pulls off his pants and a pulsating hard penis at a 45-degree angle-up is too obvious to ignore.
She lies motionless as Eddie in a timeless, untaught move gathers the skirt of her dress and pulls it up over her head and she can't see what is happening but in a moment she feels covered by his body pressing, pressing, pressing and a sharp almost painful pointing part of his front flesh literally rips her lower lips apart,
"Agh, Eddie! No! No! No! Stop it, please! I'm the teacher! Please, kid! No !" But Ali's No's turn to Oh's as Eddie moves in and out inside her. Then she feels his juice jetting into her and her sexual collar goes into repeated spasms and her arms pull him tighter against her as she finds herself gasping, "Aw honey! I love you! I love you! I love you! Aw, do it again, please. Be my master! Aw Eddie, what'd you do to me! Aw my atheist goddess, the kid's undone me!"
What has happened is a return of man and woman to the primeval ooze, to two animals copulating in a swamp.
After five minutes lying together, with Ali feeling contentment, Eddie rolls off her and gets up, his softened penis dripping with his and her juices and a little blood she realizes is a sign of her just having popped an egg.
"The kid has knocked me up! I know it! It is April! I'll remember!" And she smiles.
For next, click 12.(56-59) Ali Plots a Pregnancy
Having learned much about boys, Ali expects he will try to feel her up, starting at her right bare knee and working up the inner thigh. But he does not and she starts to worry, What's wrong with me? Why doesn't he touch me?
The Sky Show is about Universe. It shows Creation by the Big Bang while a male voice, sounding very astronomer-like, relates details.
"Some fourteen-billion years ago a primordial atom exploded and the explosion still goes on. .... ."
The show takes 45 minutes and ends with the questions - "What is man's fate in the Universe? Will the Big Bang go on and on until entropy is maximized and all matter is one uniform bowl of very dilute soup?"
The lights go on.
Ali notes Eddie, his head back, gaze up, and mouth a little open like a country hick brought to the city. She muses, A most educational hooky, this.
"Can we stay and watch again, Ali?"
"Sure, Kid. Maybe you got questions? I'm pretty good at astronomy."
"Ali, a billion years? It's like nothing I can imagine."
"On a tens order of magnitude, Kid, it's ten to the ninth power."
"Gee my life's less than a blink of the eye."
"Much less. We humans on the scale of universe time are like tiny ants living microsecond instants."
"I agree, Kid. Gee!"
"Explain the Big Bang to me, Ali."
"It's all based on an astronomer's finding, Kid. See, when they got the latest telescope on Mt. Palomar and focused out on the far edges of Universe, as the focus moved outward toward the edges, things that had been red color, shifted to blue color. Now, to get the significance of this red shift you got to know that light is transmitted as waves, you know, the blips that go up and down." Ali takes out of her handbag a set of crayons and sketch paper she always has with her and illustrates
The length between each successive wave-top is called the wavelength. And as far back as the great scientist, Isaac Newton, it was found that so called white light is actually a mix of 7 basic wave-length colors - students use Roy G. Biv for remembering Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. The color with the longest wavelength is red and, as you can see from my sketch, the color of the Biv, which are the blue shades of color, are shorter that the red. Now, if you think of the light wave connecting the person's head and the star in the sketch, you may understand that an object that seemed blue when nearby the person, would shift towards the red as it got flung rapidly away from the person. It is like the string is stretching and unbunching the wavelengths."
"Yeah! Yeah! I see that, Ali."
"Good. It's just a quick analogy, the actuality is more complex; but still it gives the idea. Now, with this in mind you may imagine that the head in the illustration is the astronomer on Mt. Palomar gazing out at the Universe through his gigantically magnifying telescope. When he looks at objects near the Earth, the blue tends to dominate, but when he focuses on the furthest out, outer edge of the Universe, what was blue shifts towards the red. For the astronomer this has only 1 meaning."
"What? What, Ali!" Eddie is visibly excited.
"That the Universe must be expanding and that the expansion speeds up the nearer one comes to the outer edges of the universe. So the expansion must be coming from some place closer to the Earth than to the outer edges of the Universe. It can only mean that what we see as Universe is part of a terrific explosion that is in the process of continuing. And since we know the speed of light, and can estimate the distances from Earth to the outer edges of the Universe we can calculate that the light that has shifted to red at the edges started almost 14-billion years ago as an explosion of a tremendously compact body the size of our atoms and containing all the stuff of the Universe.
"Wow! Wow! Wow!"
"Yeah, kid, I agree; triple Wows."
Eddie thinks for a minute. Then. "But, Ali, ain't there another possibility?"
"What other possibility, Kid?"
"Well, couldn't you see the same effect, if the center of the universe, at least the area where we are observing on Earth, is contracting in the same way as your theory says the outer Universe is expanding. Then wouldn't the red shift be seen because the contracting center of the Universe is pulling out the light waves from the stationary outer edges of the Universe."
Ali thinks for a moment. Her facial expression changes from puzzlement to understanding. Then she smiles and reaches out her right hand and pats Eddie on his head.
"Kid, that is creatively brilliant! Neither myself nor anyone else I know, even these great astronomers and Mr Einstein himself ever suggested what you just suggested!"
They are interrupted by the show's starting again.
After re-watching, Ali decides she would like to spend the rest of the hooky alone with Eddie. She is feeling a little unusual deep within. So they retrace their path homeward to the Bronx.
55. Ali Goes Round and Round, Down and Down
An unusually silent Ali rides the train back to Bronx with the usual non talking Eddie, much moved by the Universe sky show.
She is thinking Why do I feel it with Eddie now? Suddenly, answer: It's the 13th day from the start of my menstruation! And yesterday and today she got what she calls that slimy feeling between thighs that tells her an egg is about to pop. It is a time she tends to feel lust and is most vulnerable.
Stupid! she thinks. This is just a kid! She views him out of a corner of her eye. But he has grown since I first saw him at Ben's pet shop. Part of her tutoring has been masturbating him - its purpose to get him into doing it on himself to prepare for heterosexual life and also develop his ejaculations, which at his age need practice to increase volume.
Now they are at the door of 1A and she turns key clockwise and they go in.
"You must be hungry kid. It's almost one. Howzabout I make spaghetti with your favorite sauce - Campbell's Tomata?"
He nods Yes, throws off jacket and follows Ali into kitchen. She takes a Campbell's down from cupboard, grabs a sharp blade can opener, and tries to puncture the can's top but the opener slips off the top of the tin and stabs her left index finger. "Ooch! Eddie, run to the bathroom and get a band aid quick!"
He comes back with the band aid as she rinses the cut in running water. Bright red blood wells up and she wipes it away. "Eddie! Put it on tight."
He wraps it about the cut but the red blood still stains through.
Both of them seem hypnotized by the bright red blood. He grabs her hand for a moment. They both gaze down on it. No words. He still holds onto her hand but now it is a pull - he is dragging her towards the living room.
"Eddie, please stop. Let's be civilized. I am just teaching you about that. Stop Eddie! I don't want to!"
She is not sure because it is low pitched but it seems Eddie is growling like a dog protecting a bone. He drags her harder. He is stronger than she can believe. He flings her down on the settee and she falls back face and body up, her dress in disarray, strangely helpless as the boy pulls off his pants and a pulsating hard penis at a 45-degree angle-up is too obvious to ignore.
She lies motionless as Eddie in a timeless, untaught move gathers the skirt of her dress and pulls it up over her head and she can't see what is happening but in a moment she feels covered by his body pressing, pressing, pressing and a sharp almost painful pointing part of his front flesh literally rips her lower lips apart,
"Agh, Eddie! No! No! No! Stop it, please! I'm the teacher! Please, kid! No !" But Ali's No's turn to Oh's as Eddie moves in and out inside her. Then she feels his juice jetting into her and her sexual collar goes into repeated spasms and her arms pull him tighter against her as she finds herself gasping, "Aw honey! I love you! I love you! I love you! Aw, do it again, please. Be my master! Aw Eddie, what'd you do to me! Aw my atheist goddess, the kid's undone me!"
What has happened is a return of man and woman to the primeval ooze, to two animals copulating in a swamp.
After five minutes lying together, with Ali feeling contentment, Eddie rolls off her and gets up, his softened penis dripping with his and her juices and a little blood she realizes is a sign of her just having popped an egg.
"The kid has knocked me up! I know it! It is April! I'll remember!" And she smiles.
For next, click 12.(56-59) Ali Plots a Pregnancy
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