
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

13.27 Psychoanalysis Explained

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27. Stan Does Psychoanalysis - His Non Freudian Neuropsychiatry Approach Explained

Stan is a fellow in Neuropsychiatry. After finishing medical school he did a 1-year internship in all-around medical services, and then for 2 years was resident physician in training in neurology and now is receiving salary and living expense to do neurology and psychiatry duties and studies. He is, practically, chief of the neurology ward.
   Stan's goal is to be an M.D. psychoanalyst. There is a splitting between the M.D. psychoanalysts who follow scientific principles of neurology & psychiatry and the Freudian psychoanalysts who include M.D.'s but are dominated by non M.D. lay psychoanalysts, who follow Freudian theory. The Freudian theory defines the human psyche in terms of ego, or self; superego, or conscience; and id, or raw urges, and considers human personality wholly under the control of a person's sexual experiences in infancy and childhood. According to the Freudians, the role of psychoanalysis is solely to unmask an infant's sexual pathology's affect on its later adult life and, by artfully revealing it to the analysand  (the person under analysis), remove psychological blocks or complexes.
   Stan read Freud but is not Freudian; he uses anatomy, physiology and brain pathology, animal & human psychology and sociology in his approach to mental illness.
   He has psychiatry hours and treats a mix of patients. What follows is his analysis of a clinical depression that should be of interest to us all since, today, in 2021, it is a world-wide affliction that almost everyone may suffer and some of these will kill themselves. Stan's researching and his treatment, which is not presented here as standard but as provocative, is in his own writing in the following chapter. Also, later on further psychoanalyses by Dr Stan will be presented in personal form. To read on next now, click 13.28 The Psychoanalysis of a Depression

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