
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

15.12 Psychoanalysis of Nymphomania

 Slim Novel 15 - - See Homepage

12.  Like most, Nina Never Knew why she is nymphomanic. All she knows is that it torments her. Though she is for the most part controlling her life; it takes too much energy and creates stress and results in sub optimal happiness. So when Eddie suggests she see Dr Stan for psychoanalysis she is open to it. An appointment is arranged for first session in his Golden Mean office at the Hospital.
   Before Dr Stan takes on a case he does a diagnostic screening check hoping to find out if the symptoms are part of a larger diagnosis like clinical depression. Then he reviews his own knowledge and the literature to get a handle on his approach.
   With nymphomania little is known. That it exists as an entity which torments its victim is clear from undoubted cases like Nina, women who seem to have deep desire for physical genital stimulation yet never achieve a completed orgasm. True nymphomania is too much confused with women whom we would describe as easy or having excessive, loose sexual behavior - in a word tramps. Such women may have many sexual partners in one day but they usually reach orgasm and for a short while at least are satisfied. They are not slaves to a need for constant stimulation as seen in nymphomania.

Nina has requested a Saturday morning initial conference. As required of all Stan's patients, she brings a less-than-thousand word summary of her life and statement of problem she wishes him to relieve. 
   Especially with nymphomania, Stan wants his secretary Xenia in the room but Nina, apologizing to Xenia, asks her not to stay, so Xenia withdraws.
   Stan notes Nina has no cosmetics or fragrance, does not use earrings or necklace, and wears dark brown slacks with a shirt that hides shape of breasts.
   "May I address you as Nina?" he asks, adding, "I do not mean to imply familiarity, just want to foster a relaxed mode. On your part I prefer Dr Stan, which is what everyone calls me even though my surname is Pelc." Nina nods Yes and he continues. "I call what we are attempting Psychoanalysis but I do not wish it confused with the Freudian type. What I do is experimental. I am not certain it will help but I shall try my best to see it does no harm. Do you have questions before I describe what I plan to do?"
   "No questions, doctor. I have confidence you'll do your best by me."
   "Good. I work on what I call a psychobiogenetic model. I do not separate the psyche from the biology, and in the biology I include the effects of environment as well as heredity. From reading the summary you wrote, I understand your problem is a deep physical urge to be handled and stimulated in what we medical persons call the vulvovaginal area but unlike what might be considered normal you never achieve climax."
   Nina smiles to relax the seriousness of Dr Stan's words and interrupts. "I wear out whoever is my partner. I'm like the named woman in the song Leave it to Jane except I don't take on a score or more, gaily, as in the lyric; I am tormented by them. I can't resist any Tom, Dick or Harry who wants to handle me with their hot hands." Suddenly Nina is quietly sobbing into a handkerchief.
   Dr. Stan purposely avoids reaching out to comfort her, understanding it might be the start of a seduction. He waits quietly for her to get back her composure.
"Your words describe the torment of your condition, Nina. And they help me to know how I might help you." He pauses. "Now before we start into your psychology, I want to check physical parameters ." He stops a second. "Excuse the jargon, I want to get tests to see if your problem has a physical basis. I've made a list and it will take a week. So we end today's session.
   "Go out to Xenia. She will arrange everything. Then see you after 10 days."
   Nina wipes tears away. "Doctor, now I understand why your psychoanalysis is different from Dr. Freud's. You actually check the patient's body before you enter the mind. I am glad I came to you. Then see you next time."
   For next section, click 15.13 Secrets of Cardiology

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