
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

14.21 Menage a Trois New member Problem

Slim Novel 14 - - See Homepage

21. Brenda Breaks the News

How does a menage a trois deal with pregnancy? Brenda is about to discover.

In the days after Sister Barbara inserted the Professor's sperm-filled semen, Brenda continues to record her morning wake-up temperature, as she did to predict her ovulation. Sister Barbara who had midwife training in Eire taught the local Catholic girls - and even their non Catholic friends - rhythm contraception that depends on wake-up temperature predicting ovulation as shortly as hours before by the sudden temperature change. She also teaches women who may have gotten pregnant to keep taking the temperature in the days after the temperature rise showed ovulation because it is the earliest way to accurately detect missing the expected menstruation. Her rule is: If by the 30th day after you last saw the first blood of your menstruation the temperature has not come done from its ovulation high peak and you do not get blood on your examining finger deep in vagina, it means you are going to miss; and either you better stop being a Miss or you do something to bring the period down.
   At this time - the late 1940's - there is no easy urine pregnancy test.
   And by 2 weeks after the insemination Brenda knew.  But because Sister Barbara had also taught her that many very early pregnancies are lost naturally and come down as late menstruation, she waited 2 weeks past the expected-but-not-seen blood on her daily examining finger.
   Then she knew it was time to consider telling her two men.
   But also, during this time of not being sure of a continuing conception, she started precautions based on Stan's seminar advice on protecting an unborn's developing brain and nervous system and also on Sister Barbara's advice, which immediately affected the menage. She stopped all sex play. This was based on midwife wisdom that sex play, especially orgasm and penis insertion may cause miscarriage and, even if not, may still damage the developing new life.

All of this necessitated a meeting of the three - Brenda, Stan and Joe, upstairs in the 2A apartment that Brenda and Stan kept. It is Saturday afternoon. Brenda stands facing the bridge table that is by the southern exposure windows of the apartment. Stan sits at the table in its corner place and Joe across, his chair moved so he is facing Brenda too.
   "Guys, you may have guessed I been acting a little funny these last 2 weeks. Well, I'm pregnant."
   Both Stan and Joe lean forward excited by the announcement. Stan says: "That was quick, Brenda!" He pauses, "Are you sure?  Did you have a lab do a test?"
   "I'm sure but no test. I do daily basal body wake-up morning temperature, check inside with my finger and my body listens to itself. I'm sure."
   Joe says: "It's gonna be a good baby, I know it!"
   "Look, Guys! I'm real happy!  I want it!  But I'm thinking there could be problems we got to decide on? My folks, especially my mom. She knows I been living with Stan here more or less common law and she don't scold me but I know she expects a marriage. Well, I could put that off. But - Guys! - will she get a surprise when my belly starts to rise?"
   Joe gets up and says: "I know how she feels. You know, I was born in Europe and that feeling comes from there. I want to say something now. Stan here, he is the guy I admire more than any guy. He's a doctor, he's gonna do great things. I'm just a guinea house painter and I dabble in art. I can't be a good husband. But I love you too Brenda. I love you so much, I want you to marry Stan."
   Stan gets up and embraces Joe in an unusual show of feeling.  Tears wet his cheeks. Brenda gets a napkin and dries them. So it is decided. 
   To continue now, click 14.21 Eddie's Morphine Experiment


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