22. Troopship
Eddie reports to Camp Stoneman, a repo-depot north of San Francisco. His orders assign him to Japan by troopship. Repo-depots are stopovers before boarding ships or
airplanes. Eddie lies on a barrack bed, or reads in camp library or, as 2-stripes-on-sleeves corporal
In an early morning rain, to an Army band's Goodbye Mama! I'm Off to Yokohama, Eddie marches aboard the rusting gray-green World War 2 troopship, with hundreds of other soldiers. He and his squad are assigned a corner in first below-deck compartment and, as corporal, he gets the lowest sling bed of the 3-tier slings.
A guy in his squad, Ivan, has the sling bed across the narrow walkway. He is PFC and a 2-year draftee who re-enlisted for a 2nd two years, as he tells Eddie, "So's I can get back to Japan and fuck the mooses."
"What's mooses?" asks Eddie, certain it is not the usual.
"Moos-oo-meh," Ivan says and grabbing Eddie's notebook and pencil writes the accurate spelling musume. "Jap for young daughter but we use it for all those Mamas."
"Boy, they fuck and blow, and even butt fuck like - forget it! It's a fuckin' paradise, and I mean fucking!"
Alongside Ivan, Eddie is standing at rail. Below on the dock surrounding the debarking ramp are kimono women none looking too old. They are shouting "Banzai Amerika! Welcome Joe!"
Ivan explains. "Banzai means Forever! Ten-thousand years! It's what the Jap pilots radioed back as their planes bombed Pearl Harbor, damn the fuggers! Now these babes are shouting it at the latest hero samurai guys - us."
He takes a candy bar - a red & white Baby Ruth - out of pocket and flings it over the rail. And Eddie watches several of the kimono ladies scramble for it.
"They're hungry! It's still an occupied country. You'll learn a lot about that soon, fella."
23. Camp Zama
They get on a passenger train and travel 2 hours to Camp Zama, a repo-depot outside Tokyo. Eddie and his squad are assigned bunk beds downstairs on first floor of a fading gray wood barrack shaped like a Monopoly board building. As they march in, Eddie notes Jap women digging shallow paths in the soil for pipes. The women have picks and shovels. They all seem middle-aged - hair hidden by dark towel head wrap, body shape covered by oriental peasant jacket - like a padded Happi Coat - and hips and legs, with a kind of padded knickers, baggy pants down to ankles.
Ivan, seeing Eddie's surprise at the women's labor and dusty, dilapidated garb exclaims "Moose! A little old but they'll fuck for a buck. They call the knickers Monpe. All the women wore them in wartime; now just the laborers. It's very convenient for outdoor fucking. You just take one a the old mooses behind a bush and pull down the monpe and you can fuck front or back."
Inside the barrack after resting, Ivan says to the GI's of the squad, all of whom are first timer soldiers in Japan. "Howzabout me arranging some moose pussy for you guys?" He is replied to by "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!"
Eddie says nothing but does not say No. Being in charge of the squad he could overrule it, but feels curious. However, he wonders out loud to Ivan "You mean those old ladies in the knickers?"
"Yeah! This is Occupied Japan, man! Every woman is working to feed a hungry family. Most are war widows. They do anything! You'll see."
Ivan goes outside to negotiate as Eddie watches from window. He speaks with one woman, obviously the leader. Wisps of gray hairs are exposed below her head cover.
He comes back inside. "OK, guys, here's the story. I made a date for us and them, early this evening after eating at mess hall. I know this place well: a little ways off is a good spot, thick with trees to screen the action from the wrong guys' eyes and a bushy clearing inside. The labor boss - the mama-san - is an old timer at this. She says she and her women will be there at the appointed time ready for action. It's a buck a fuck. You get fifteen minutes and your choice. If you want more, you pay another buck. If you want a blo-job it's another buck, whether you come in her mouth or not. A butt fuck is 2 bucks."
24. The Gang Bang
The sun is setting through the trees as Ivan, with Eddie beside him, leads 8 men of the squad to the area.
The Jap women are waiting in their characteristic squat (sitting on heels) at edge of clearing. As the soldiers appear, the women stand and bow. The boss - the same woman Eddie had seen negotiating with Ivan - walks forward a few steps, bows and says "You Joe! Catch ooman, for America dollar. Make hubba hubba."
Ivan says: "OK, guys, you heard the mama-san. If you don't understand her pidgin, a Joe is any GI. Choose your woman but no fighting. You'll get your turn. And try to keep it a little private by finding your own bush."
One GI asks, "Which moose butt-fucks?"
The lady boss, who understands enough GI English, points to herself. "OK, Joe! Two buck and you catch my hubba hubba."
He pulls 2 one-dollar bills from his pocket and she puts it in sleeve and leads him behind a nearby bush.
Meanwhile, the other guys are choosing moose. Ivan turns to Eddie. "Well, who you want?"
Eddie already is considering and decides to try something he never had before. He says. "I think I'll try the mama san for two dollars after she finishes with the other guy."
"OK, fella, you got good taste. I'm planning to try her too. But as they say in France, Apres vous, Pierre."
A minute later, the mama san, leads a smiling GI from behind their bush. The GI says to Ivan and Eddie, "Boy! Mamma san here got a nice tight one. Worth the two bucks any day."
Eddie hands the lady two 1-dollar bills and she sleeves it and bows and beckons him to follow her behind the bush. It's not completely private but Eddie is already primed for the sexual encounter.
"OK, Joe!" Catch hubba hubba! He feels a little shy so she opens his belt and his pants drop and she pulls down his white army underpants.
"I help you hubba hubba." She gets on her knees before his pulsing penis and mouths it to lubricate the butt fuck. Then she turns about and kneels for anal entry, arching her back downwards and pressing her shoulders & face to the ground, her left cheek on folded-over hands. She says impatiently, "Hey! Joe! Catch hubba hubba! We no got time!"
He pushes his hard part, still moistened with her saliva, slowly into her rear opening. She says "More s'kosh down Joe!" And reaching behind she grasps his shaft in her right hand and directs it. What he feels is the tight fit; and then, with a pop, he slips through and past the anal sphincter and his shaft's tip enters what feels like a velvet softness while the tight anus in rhythmic squeezes and relaxations on his shaft produces a near ecstasy.
The feelings are too much. He grabs her and drags her backside against his front and experiences out-of-control jet upon jet of his biggest, best come.
"Hubba hubba! You OK, Joe! Oh! Nice Joe! You big boy I like" Eddie guesses she may be faking her pleasure but he could not care less; he never came so good.
So that is Eddie's first day in Occupied Japan. To keep reading, now, click 14.(25-28). Occupied Japan - Tokyo
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