
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

13.45 A Wedding Ends Slim Novel 13

Slim Novel 13 - - See Homepage

45. A Wedding

Congregation Eretz Israel is a high class synagogue at 167th Street on the west side of the Grand Concourse - the Bronx Champs Elysees - which runs south-north through the center of the Bronx. The synagogue front has classical Roman columns. On a Saturday at 1 PM invited guests are arriving by taxi, the women in fur coats even in June. A sign outside reads Mozzletof! (Yiddish for "Congratulations") To bride and groom Miss Lorna Greenberg and Dr Irving Goldberg. Other invited guests are arriving but not by taxi. These come out of the 167th Street Independent Subway on the Concourse west-side exit. None wear fur coats; still, they are happy guests - the fellow Sunday Seminarans of intern Irving Goldberg. 
   In the large reception outside the ceremony hall, the guests mix. Of the Seminarans are Professor John Edwardes in black suit and green tie over a white shirt, the teenage Eddie in new gray suit and black & brown striped tie, and the young Miss Brenda in her latest high-neck well-fitted dress with frilly white collar and fancy high-heel shoes. Beside her is Dr Stan in what is coming to be called a Nehru jacket - a collarless brown to gray top & matching trousers that gives semi military look and is favored by the famous Indian Prime Minister, and, following, a denim-jacketed, trim Joe Pro, whose portrait-painting of the soon-to-be bride & groom is on display. The person most attracting attention is Sister Barbara in her nun's clothing, a bulky black dress that hides her shoes. Also attracting attention is the only non-Caucasian guest, the super's helper Sam, in a salt & pepper sports jacket with matching tie and pants. And further attracting attention is the large-bodied Nicola not in his usual white chef's uniform and hat but in an out-of-date, formal dark suit with high white collar brought from Italy years ago. Missing from the gang, but not from Sister Barbara's mind, is nurse Sheila.
   At 1:30 an announcement: "The ceremony will start shortly." and the guests move toward the door, many admiring Joe Pro's spiritually glowing portrait of the happy wedding pair.

In the large ceremony hall with 15-foot (c.5 meter) high ceiling hung with brightly lit crystal chandelier all are seated in rows of well-polished brown wood benches on both sides. On the aisle, the black-suited, male ushers come to attention at the start of the organ tones. Eddie is rearmost on left. In front before the raised dais, a black-gowned rabbi with a white tallis over his shoulders stands under a canopy of white silk and beside him a small table with two diamond encrusted wine goblets now empty but with a bottle of Manishewitz Concord Red wine nearby.
   The organ strikes up the Wedding March from the opera Lohengrin - ironically, by the anti Semite Richard Wagner. The guests on the benches turn heads towards the aisle and a little to the rear to fix on the wedding procession as it moves forward. In the lead, the parents, and, following, the best man, the maid of honor and then the bride, Lorna, in a  white wedding gown and looking happy; and then Dr Irving Goldberg in rented black tuxedo suit looking contented.
   A buzz passes through the guests in the rows. Among the Seminarans, seated together in the rear two rows each has various thoughts:
   Eddie standing stiff: Oh, I think I'm gonna faint. Professor Edwardes who sits at the edge of the row where Eddie stands, notices and makes space for Eddie and pulls him by arm to sit down in order to stop the blood from leaving Eddie's brain. It has been a time - the last few years - of growing-up shocks for Eddie among which are the experience of Miss Ali. He sits for a moment and then, saying to the Professor in a low voice, “It’s zychological.”, stands back up to finish his duty as usher. He's become a responsible young man, thinks Professor Edwardes.
   Dr. Stan is thinking: Irving picked a rich girl and pretty, too. No stopping that boy now!
   And Joe Pro: I wish the guy well. But from the looks of that girl and those parents, he don't need my wish. But marriage is not for me.
   Meanwhile Brenda: Married I can always get. But not quite yet. When I do, it'll be a 3-way but we won't be able to have it in a church. What! Me Worry? I got the sky my limit. And she gives a secret smile
   Sam, the building super's helper: These Jews rule the world. But better than the usual white trash.
   Nicola in his Italian accent: D'Annunzio wasa righta.  He tella Mussolini donna you listen to dat Hitler man. Keepa Italy outa War or you hanga by heels. Nowa da Jewza won it. Dey are da bosses. Ok wit' me. I cooka for anyone. T'hell with fascismo.
   Sister Barbara thinks most powerfully of all. Barbara herself is a kind of mystery to all the so-called normal people. A nun! At a Jewish wedding - invited by Lorna. No one else but Lorna and Brenda know of that day in Ali's kitchen when Sister in a roundabout way saved Lorna's life and actually is responsible for Lorna's now coming down the aisle. Not just stopping a pregnancy that would have ruined Lorna but also Sister Barbara's helping the Irish-American nurse Sheila and, in so doing, getting her out of the way and clearing the deck, so to speak, for Lorna's and her Doctor's coming down the aisle now. Ach! Thinks Barbara Me old mither in Eire is happy to have that Nurrse in her house. And the baby is a boy - she calls him Little Irving and had him baptized in the Trrue Faith. Begorra, I hope I did right! Well, only the Lorrd Jehzus knows. And I pray for Lorna and Irving to be happy.
   (End of Slim Novel 13 - Continue Next for Slim Novel 14.
   Click 14.1 Eddie Goes Barmy; Joins the Army

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