
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

16.(0-2) Slim Novel 16 Begins

Slim Novel 16 - - See Homepage

Preface to Slim Novel 16
Readers who follow the Slim Novels see that 1 to 11 are connected to Kimi and the theme is character development in the setting of Japan in World War 2. Starting Slim Novel 12, a character, Miss Ali, detached and the scene shifted to Bronx NY and then to a lesser extent, Winnipeg in Manitoba Canada. By Slim Novel 14, the action centered on Eddie, Miss Ali's protegee, who goes on to develop personality, to join the Army, to have adventure in Occupied Japan and to return for Medical School in the Bronx where he meets Nina the librarian and falls in love with her.
   Now as we start Slim Novel 16. newly married Eddie and Nina are living with his parents, and Eddie is a new intern at Montefiore Hospital.

1.  Internship
U.S. Medical education in 1960 dictated the new graduate M.D sit for state license and do a 1-year internship. The internship had evolved from voluntary to low-pay servitude. The young doctor's future is determined by the internship and in the 4th year of medical school the student enters a 2nd rat race that repeats the medical school selection process, with a test, a school-marks record and an interview. The intern selection uses a matching program which assures that an applicant's choice and a hospital's choice coincide. But Eddie was a special case. The neurosurgeon Leo Davidoff stated to the Montefiore Board of Directors "We must have Steinowitz for intern." And Davidoff was not referred to as the Great for nothing. He spoke to Dr Stan shortly after and Stan asked Eddie to drop by.
   Next day, 3 PM, Stan's secretary knocks on his office door, turns the knob and pushing it inward peeks her head in. "Dr. Steinowitz to see you." Eddie is right behind. A minute later he is sitting facing Stan in the black leather plush chair. Eddie is in a recently vogue workman's off-green denim slacks with diagonal-slit front side-pockets, no leg cuffs and purposely frayed bottoms. A brown sporty shirt is tucked in at waist and a blue corduroy sports jacket, now open in front gives an informal, relaxed look.
   "You're becoming quite the fashion plate, fella!  Where'd you get that outfit? I want one."
   Eddie mentions Mr. Aroon Mahtani of Himark traveling tailors - who outfits his lawyer dad and stops by New York every 6 months to fit and take orders for custom-made jackets, pants and shirts that get delivered by special post a month later. After getting Himark's number, Stan says "Look, guy! Davidoff says he must have you here at Montefiore as intern starting July 1st. So you better grab it, fella. No one says No to the great Lee Oh!"

That is how it came about that Eddie reports for duty on 1 July 1960, Friday 8 AM in white intern jacket and pants in Neurosurgery at Montefiore.
2. Dr. Davidoff's Dark-Haired Boy
Eddie's relationship with Dr. Davidoff's personal secretary Missy Prissy is formal. She is the older woman with whom he had a younger, formative connection and since returning from his Japan experience he has not explained his latest state of mind, which, is summed up by Friends - Lovers No More. But Prissy, who has a higher social IQ than Eddie, understands him like an book she's read.
   "Doctor, it is nice to see you. How is your wife? Such a lovely young woman. Please tell her to come and lunch with me." She presses a button on her desk and announces Eddie to Davidoff; gets up and ushers him in, closing the door behind them.
   Davidoff is sitting behind a very large desk in white shirt and tie, hair slicked down coming to an arrow point in front with central parting. His thin waxed mustache gives him the great man look. He does not get up but indicates Eddie sit by his desk to his right.
   "Well, young man, here you are as intern. I want you to set up your newfangled computer program to connect the office with the hospital and medical school library. My senior fellow, Dr Stanley Pelc will be in charge of your education. You will not be the usual intern. You have a special gift and I want to possess it."
   "Sir, if I may suggest, I will need my wife Nina to help start the program. She worked with me to do it at the Medical School Library. Can the hospital hire her as Librarian.
   "So be it, young man, from this moment on. Ask her to come see Miss Pris tomorrow morning."
   Ten minutes later, a happy Eddie leaves the office. At hospital street exit he turns left and is soon back at the apartment telling Nina the good news.  
   She reacts with a kiss and seats him on the sofa. "Wonderful. Now I can work across the street from here. It is just like in Paul and Percival Goodman's' Communitas. Thank you, my husband.
         To continue to next section, click 16.3 An Ongoing Psychoanalysis: What is Happy?

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